A trust is a legal relationship by which you provide for the transfer of property to another to hold and manage the property for the beneficiaries identified in the trust. Trusts are often recommended as part of a comprehensive estate plan for any number of reasons; avoiding the public disclosure of assets and financial data, uninterrupted management of assets before or after an individual’s death, illnesses or disability, reduction of income and/or estate tax and the elimination or reduction of the expense and delays associated with probate. The most common form of trust is the revocable (inter vivos or living) trust, however many circumstances dictate the use of irrevocable trusts, or special needs trusts.

Roark & Mansur Law, PLLC can provide the counsel required to help you identify the appropriate trust and assist in the evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of trust planning. The services of Roark & Mansur Law, PLLC commence with an explanation of the various trusts and the operation of each trust. In the preparation of the trust, Roark & Mansur Law, PLLC will help you to identify the appropriate trustee and will counsel you in the timely review of the trustee’s performance to ensure compliance of the trustee to the terms of the trust. Each trust is drafted to meet the needs and expectations of the client. Roark & Mansur Law, PLLC will work with you to draft a trust respecting your concerns.